In the heart of "Bhimpura" village lies a story of empowerment and sustainability. One of its women farmers embarked on a journey of transformation through her collaboration with the Prem Samriddhi Foundation (PSF) initiative. Since 2021, she has embraced regenerative farming practices, not only enhancing her livelihood but also becoming a beacon of inspiration for her community.
Before her involvement with PSF, the woman farmer relied on purchasing vegetables, incurring a daily expense of Rs. 100. However, with the introduction of regenerative farming techniques, her perspective shifted. Initially hesitant, she soon embraced the concept after witnessing its tangible benefits. Over the past 2.5 years, she has entirely eliminated the need to purchase vegetables from the market, resulting in significant savings estimated at Rs. 45,625 (Rs. 50/day).
Initiative Implementation:
The transformation began with the establishment of a Bio Resource Center (BRC) at her house, which enabled her to reduce input costs. Through PSF's support, she received a demo vegetable kit in October 2023. With this kit, she embarked on chemical-free farming, utilizing resources from her BRC. Cultivating a variety of vegetables including tomatoes, okra, eggplant, and cilantro, she not only saved Rs. 10,000 in input costs but also generated revenue by selling produce worth Rs. 15,000 through PSF's stall and local markets.
Outcomes and Impact:
Through her dedication to regenerative farming practices, the woman farmer has achieved self-employment and economic stability. Looking ahead, she plans to expand her venture by cultivating summer season vegetables on her land, with projected profits of Rs. 25,000. Additionally, she has taken on the role of a mentor, encouraging other women farmers to adopt regenerative farming techniques, thus fostering a ripple effect of empowerment and sustainability within her community.